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Dr. Michael J. Welch Recognition

Honors and Awards

Open Scholarship to St. Catharine’s College
Cambridge University, England: 1958 - 1961

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
Visiting Scholar: 1980

American Chemical Society
St. Louis Award, for outstanding contributions to the chemical profession: 1988 National Award for Nuclear Chemistry, for contributions in Fundamental and Applied Nuclear Chemistry: 1990
Midwest Award, for outstanding achievements by a chemist in the Midwest Region:1991

Society of Nuclear Medicine
Paul C. Aebersold Award, for outstanding achievement in Basic Science Applied to Nuclear Medicine: 1980
Berson-Yalow Award, for an outstanding contribution using the principle of Radioimmunoassay: 1988
Berson-Yalow Award, for an outstanding contribution using the principle of Radioimmunoassay: 1990

Georg Charles de Hevesy Nuclear Medicine Pioneer Award, for distinguished contributions to Nuclear Medicine: 1992
Cassen Prize: 2004

The Institute of Medicine
Elected Member: 1999

American College of Radiology
Honorary Fellow: 2004

International Isotope Society
Melvin Calvin Award, for outstanding contributions to the field of isotopes: 2006

Society of Molecular Imaging
Molecular Imaging Achievement Award, 2007

Society of Nuclear Medicine
Michael J. Welch Award (presented annually)-In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, 2008

Academy of Molecular Imaging
Distinguished Basic Scientist recipient, 2008

Washington University School of Medicine
Second Century Award, 2008
Distinguished Faculty Award for Outstanding Researcher, 2011

Radiological Society of North America
Eugene P. Prendegrass New Horizons Lecturer 2008 (Nanotechnology in the future of imaging: Prospects and pitfalls)

Washington University School of Medicine
Distinguished Faculty Awards; Distinguished Investigator Award, 2011

Professional Societies and Organizations

American Chemical Society
Member, Division of Nuclear Chemistry - Technology The Royal Society of Chemistry (London)

The Radiation Research Society
Sigma Xi

International Symposia on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry
Member, International Founding and Organizing Committee: 1978-Present

The Society of Nuclear Medicine
Program Committee Member: 1969, 1972, 1975, 1983
President-Elect, Missouri Valley Chapter: 1975 - 1977
President, Missouri Valley Chapter: 1977 - 1979
Program Committee Subchairman: 1978, 1979
Member, Board of Directors, Radiopharmaceutical Science Council: 1977 - 1979 Member, Board of Trustees: 1980 - 1990
President, Radiopharmaceutical Science Council: 1980 - 1981 Program Committee Vice-Chairman: 1981, 1984 President-Elect: 1983 - 1984
President: 1984
Chairman, Awards Committee: 1986 - 1988
General Program Chairman: 1988 – 1991

Society of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry and Biology
President: 2001 – 2003
Member, Executive Committee: 2003 – 2006

National Academy of Sciences
Member, Subcommittee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry: 1980 - 1982. Member, Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry: 1983 - 1986 Co-Chairman, Workshop on Training
Requirements for Chemists in Nuclear
Medicine, Nuclear Industry and Related Areas: 1988 Diagnostic Radiology Study Section, NIH,
Member: July 1986–1991
Chairman: July 1989-1991

The Whitaker Foundation
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee: August 1995–2004

Institute of Medicine
Member, Clinical Research Roundtable: 2000 - 2004
Member, Board on Health Science Policy: 2003 - 2009
Canada Research Chairs Program
Member, Review Committee: September 2000 – present

NCI Program Project Review Group
Member, Subcommittee E on Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control: 2002-2008

Editorial Activities:
Associate Editor, Journal of Computed Tomography: 1978 -1984 Editorial Board, Journal of Nuclear Medicine: 1982 -1988, 2002 - present Associate Editor, Journal of Nuclear Medicine:
1988 – 2002

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